Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Criminal Records

You just hired a new cashier for your business. You’ve had employees in the past that were guilty of theft and you are just not as confident in your character assessments as you were in the past. In this day and age, it is difficult to trust people you don’t know. What can you do? What information is out there that will help you determine if you made the right choice? You could go to the courthouse, search the criminal records files and maybe find something. Many courthouses now have a data base of criminal record information, but unless you have all names to an incident or actual dates, the courthouse system will not provide you with much information. What if there are federal charges against the individual? State records do not provide a link to information on federal criminal records.

Criminal records contain a large amount of information, a lot of times one record provides a connection to several other records. These records supply dates of incidents, what charges were filed, whether the individual simply paid a fine or spent actual time in jail, or both.

Criminal Records

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